ss_blog_claim=89c5075de08a27469a4c85b7b67a5e81 Rantings Of A Woman: BLOGGITY BLOG TAG

Sunday, September 28, 2008


This blog has been bloggity blog tagged.

The rules:

1. Write about 5 specific ways blogging has affected you either positively or negatively
2. link back to the person who tagged you Jenn, My Kids Are My World
3. link back to this parent post: tag post
4.tag a few friends or five, or none at all
5. post these rules— or just have fun breaking them!

1.To be honest, when I first got started with blogging it was simply for the extra income from paid posting which has been great and has made me quite a bit of money but who would have thought that I would have made some really great blogging friends. You guys truly are the best!

2. Blogging is where I can be myself! Say what I need to say, help others, get help from others. What a great feeling to be so free and open.

3. With some help through some really great friends I have managed to get focused on my health. I started exercising and watching what I was eating and managed to lose weight and reach my goal. It will always be an ongoing struggle to keep the weight off but with the support and motivation from all of you I know I can continue to maintain.

4. One of my favorite blogs is my Let them be little family blog. This is where I keep my family updated on the kids and what they have been up to. Dancing, Bowling, camping, a day at the park, just funny faces, Birthday wishes and the list goes on. Living so far from family is hard but this seems to help bridge the gap between us.
With me going back to work tomorrow after 4 1/2 years my main focus will be my family blog so feel free to add this blog to your blogroll because chances are that is where you will find me!

5.For the down side of blogging....well there really isn't a down side! There are many days when I don't have enough time to blog hop and then there are days that I spend most of my time on my laptop and don't get much today lol I have a bathroom tore apart needing to be painted, clothes to get alterations done for tomorrow, need to go pick up some groceries, house to clean and I am sitting here doing this meme. First things first, Jenn tagged me for this meme so I am going to get it done! that 's what friends are for right/! lol
Thanks Jenn for this meme! It gave me some time to sit and remember of why I enjoy blogging and why I should find the time to keep with it while working. I don't know what I would do without friends like you!


jenn said...

Aw, shucks, you're the best carrie!!!!! You better still find time to blog. I'll miss you too much if you don't! lol!

Mom Knows Everything said...

I hope you had a great first day at work! :o)