ss_blog_claim=89c5075de08a27469a4c85b7b67a5e81 Rantings Of A Woman: BODY IMAGE MAKEOVER

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I am going to spend the next few months taking steps in getting my body back in shape! It is always a great feeling when the weight starts to drop but sometimes that isn't the only thing that drops. Yes I am talking about the breasts! Now there are other reasons for this to happen but no worries, there is something that can be done. Now since having four children you could say that I could use a breast uplift procedure to give them back some shape and would be a great confidence booster! Now before I would ever consider such a procedure there are so many things and questions to look into. The procedure itself doesn't sound all that bad but with four kids and now working full time how much time recovery would I need is the biggest question for me but with some research the recovery time isn't that long with only needing at least 2 weeks of from work.

This all sounds good and such a big decision, how far would you go to get image that you really want? Is exercise and diet enough or would you take it a step further giving you that younger, rejuvenated look.

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