ss_blog_claim=89c5075de08a27469a4c85b7b67a5e81 Rantings Of A Woman: I NEED A LAPTOP

Saturday, September 15, 2007


Now that I spend more time at the computer than I do watching TV with working on my blog and getting opportunities for paid posting I am starting to think that a laptop would be a better solution for me. I really came to this realization yesterday. The kids were getting ready for dance class and we had 15 minutes left before we were leaving, well of course after waiting all day for a PPP opportunity to come available for me I finally got one. I was quick to typing and managed to get my opp done and submited it just in time, I tell you it was a rush. But then I ended up getting quite a few opportunities from another site...if I had a laptop I could sit and do them at the dance studio while waiting for the kids...Wouldn't a laptop make things easier, then I won't feel trapped in the computer room from time to time. Well you never know if I'm good, then maybe Santa will bring me one for Christmas. HINT, HINT!

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